Research Article

Acceptance of WhatsApp social media platform for learning in Nigeria: A test of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

Tajudeen Ahmed Shittu 1 * , Yusuf Hamdalat Taiwo 2
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1 Department of Science Education, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe, Gombe State, NIGERIA2 Department of Social Science Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin NIGERIA* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(2), 2023, ep2309,
Submitted: 26 March 2023, Published: 04 July 2023
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The study tested the efficacy of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) for explaining the rationale for the acceptance of WhatsApp social media platform for learning among students of public and private universities in Nigeria. To achieve the goal of the study, a cross-sectional survey research method was employed. A questionnaire was deployed for data collection. The sample for the study was drawn from undergraduate students from two different universities. The data gathered for the study was subjected to structural equation modeling analysis using AMOS statistical package. Prior to that, series of analysis, such as descriptive analysis, (mean and standard deviation), inferential analysis such as factor analysis to ascertain the dimensionality of the factor of the study was computed. The study also established construct, content, discriminant and convergent validity. It also determined the internal consistency of all the variables of the study. All hypotheses generated for the study was analyzed by checking the effect size of the independent on the dependent variable of the study. The findings from the model of the study showed that the data fit the model of the study. The total variance explained of the model was 61% and almost all the independent variables statistically and directly influence acceptance process of WhatsApp media for learning with exception of effort expectancy that showed a negative effect on student behavioral intention towards use of WhatsApp for learning. The findings of the study have implication for students, teachers and administrators of higher institution of learning Furthermore, the finding of the study equally provide evident for the empirical strength of UTAUT for explaining rationale for adoption of social media for teaching 21st century learners.


Shittu, T. A., & Taiwo, Y. H. (2023). Acceptance of WhatsApp social media platform for learning in Nigeria: A test of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(2), ep2309.


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