Research Article

Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and multiple intelligences theory: Curricular design in vocational formation in Spain

Manuel Macías Borrego 1 2 *
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1 Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN2 Universidad Isabel I* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(2), 2023, ep2306,
Submitted: 08 March 2023, Published Online: 30 April 2023, Published: 01 July 2023
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This study aims to design a class proposal to improve student motivation in English as a foreign language in vocational formation in Spain through computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and gamification. Our main objective is to ensure that through this project, they not only gain a series of new tools, but that they can also learn both specific contents of the target subject: English as a foreign language in vocational formation in Spain. For this last objective, the use of multiple intelligences (MIs) in teaching can serve to destigmatize atypical intelligences. Atypical intelligences are understood as profiles that have historically stood out less in classic intelligence tests, which mainly measure logical-mathematical intelligence. This is because of the strong presence of this type of test throughout the 20th century and early 21st century that culturally more value has been given to individuals who stood out in types of intelligence like those rewarded by these IQ tests. Gardner (2011) noted the problem of putting the education system and MIs on the same plane: the fact that the education system primarily rewards linguistic and logical-mathematical skills, leaving the others in the background. As far as gamification is concerned, we could say that it is apparent that teaching-learning processes benefit from elements common to games, such as rewards, incentives, and social and individual reinforcement.


Macías Borrego, M. (2023). Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and multiple intelligences theory: Curricular design in vocational formation in Spain. Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(2), ep2306.


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