Research Article
Development of Thematic E-Comic Based on Augmented Reality
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1 Department of Mathemathic Education, University of Jember, East Jawa, INDONESIA2 Department of Biology Education, University of Jember, East Jawa, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 2(2), August 2022, ep2205,
Submitted: 01 May 2022, Published: 15 August 2022
OPEN ACCESS 970 Views 807 Downloads
Considerable changes in the world of education are required due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The commonly implemented offline learning class can no longer be done. Alternatively, online learning becomes the only option to be implemented. This consequently affects the students’ ability in understanding the learning material presented by the teachers. Therefore, teachers are expected to develop varied interesting learning media to help students understand the learning material better. This research aims at describing the design of e-comic based on augmented reality and determining its validity on flat-plane learning material. This developmental research uses ADDIE development model with five stages, namely analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The results of the validation assessment from the content expert, learning design expert, and the learning media expert obtained 95%, 92%, and 98%, respectively with very good categories. The overall validation results from the experts and individual trials were categorized as very good.
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