Review Article
Methods Used in Digital Citizenship: A Systematic Literature Review
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1 Al-Quds Open University, PALESTINE* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 2(3), 2022, ep2207,
Published: 10 October 2022
OPEN ACCESS 1148 Views 1716 Downloads
Digital citizenship attempts to assist the younger generation in making prudent and acceptable decisions in various digital contexts. Society’s disregard for digital citizenship has negative consequences, including cyberbullying and other crimes. Therefore, this study investigates the approaches and methodologies utilized in digital citizenship by conducting a thorough literature review. The research analyzed three academic databases comprising papers from some of the most esteemed periodicals. Each search engine was provided with the keywords “digital citizenship”, “digital literacy”, “digital native,” and “digital citizenship-related approaches.” The search was limited to articles having “digital citizenship” and “citizenships” in the title, abstract, and body. To ensure that individual results were extracted from each database, duplicate articles were manually removed in a cascade fashion from one database to the next. Digital citizenship encompasses a far more extensive set of skills than computer or media literacy. This is due to citizens’ enthusiasm for digital technologies in industrialized nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and China. Problem-solving, security, information processing and innovation, and content communication are related to digital citizenship. Despite its value, this appraisal has a few drawbacks. According to the findings, implementing digital citizenship solutions proved challenging. Future research should employ mixed method approaches to understand better digital citizenship acceptance and uptake based on the findings of this study.
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