Research Article

One Tool With Multiple Uses: An Innovation Configuration Map of Flip in Education

Loretta Catherine Donovan 1 * , Erin Besser 1 , Tim D. Green 1
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1 California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, USA* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 2(3), 2022, ep2208,
Published: 10 October 2022
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Flip (formerly Flipgrid) was developed almost 10 years ago as a tool to allow opportunities for engagement and social presence in a virtual learning environment. Recently, we have seen an explosion of Flip’s use by PreK-adult educators, and not surprisingly, literature focused on use, frequency, and implementation strategies. What is missing from the literature is a systematic analysis of what Flip integration looks like on a broader scale. Through the development of an innovation configuration map, this study sought to describe the ways in which educators as a group use the educational application, Flip. Results show three configurations of Flip integration. Each configuration has a unique value for teaching and learning. Despite these three unique configurations, there are also uses of Flip that are consistent across all configurations. Understanding the big picture of integration allows for informed decision-making and prepares one for examining the impact of integration. Implications of these findings extend to those planning professional development and administrators wanting to promote ubiquitous uses of technology in schools.


Donovan, L. C., Besser, E., & Green, T. D. (2022). One Tool With Multiple Uses: An Innovation Configuration Map of Flip in Education. Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 2(3), ep2208.


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