Research Article

Assessing Institutional Support to Online Education at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh Coping with COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study

Mohammad Nur Ullah 1, Bikram Biswas 2 * , Md. Mamun Miah 3
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1 Department of Public Administration, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka, BANGLADESH2 Department of Educational Administration, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, BANGLADESH3 Department of Statistics, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, BANGLADESH* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 2(1), February 2022, ep2204,
Submitted: 20 December 2021, Published: 11 February 2022
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Institutional support and quality education are linked in a significant way. During COVID-19, institutional support is critical to closing the huge academic gap that has emerged as physical academic practices have been moved to a virtual education system using technology. This research aims to assess institutional support for online education in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic. This analysis focused on the three main elements of the adapted model of institutional support (AMIS) of Bond et al. (2007), and the institutional support model (ISM) of Valverde and Rodriguez (2002), namely financial support (FS), technical support (TS), and mentoring support (MS). The findings of this research are, a few universities in Bangladesh have provided average support for continuing online education, while others have just started taking online classes. Several problems have been discovered, such as the lack of dedicated software for conducting online academic activities, lack of training and grooming, lack of mentoring, poor internet access, lack of smartphones, high internet package rates, and so on. This study concludes with some policy recommendations for a smooth online education system in Bangladesh.


Ullah, M. N., Biswas, B., & Miah, M. M. (2022). Assessing Institutional Support to Online Education at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh Coping with COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study. Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 2(1), ep2204.


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