Review Article
Mobile Learning Grounded on Universal Instructional Design Principles on the Shift to Emergency Online Education
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1 College of Teacher Education, Sultan Kudarat State University-ACCESS Campus, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat, PHILIPPINES2 College of Education, Mindanao State University, General Santos City, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 1(1), October 2021, ep2102,
Published: 28 May 2021
OPEN ACCESS 2689 Views 1831 Downloads
The onset of COVID-19 transmissions enforced school closures worldwide to restrict health threats particularly to students and teachers. Educational responses are developed to pursue the goals of education amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Among these educational responses is the integration of technology in acquiring knowledge through Mobile Learning or M-learning. This article presents the benefits, universal design principles, and strategies of Mobile Learning for the purpose of convenient and accessible learning through the use of mobile phones and ubiquitous technologies. Nonetheless, gaps in curriculum planning, course contents, and technological expertise among instructors need to be addressed to reinforce the implementation of effective Mobile Learning.
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